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Mentoring is a very critical aspect of development of Green Belts and Black Belts. Normally Green Belts are mentored by experienced Black Belts and Master Black Belts and is one-to-one interaction.
The objective of mentoring is the overall development of Green Belts. These interactions cover areas such as: questions on the six sigma methodology, tools, application and culture. Further, project facilitation is another important area of the interaction.
General experience is that, 70% - 80% of the Green Belts learning happens during mentoring interactions rather than reading books or attending classes. In the traditional mentoring an experienced mentor takes responsibility for several Green Belts.
ISL has designed an internet based tool, e-Dialogue™ to give you the advantage of learning from not one but several, highly experienced mentors simultaneously. In the traditional way of mentoring, it is impossible to get the knowledge from several experts at one time. With e-Dialogue™ tool it becomes a reality and brings rich experience to the learners.
To give the best possible help, mentors are carefully selected from different industry backgrounds and wide implementation experience.
HOW e-Dialogue™ WORKS?
> You can read as well as post queries to clarify your doubts in a particular topic.
> You can reply to the queries asked by mentors or by other students.
> You can summarize the whole discussion after a specified number of threads are reached.
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